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Oregon/Washington Reciprocal Agreement

Please find below the contact info for Cheri Alamani or Graham Roney with BCD, who are the point persons for questions regarding Oregon/Washington Reciprocity.
Cheri Alamani #503-378-4162
Graham Roney #503-378-5324

The Oregon/Washington reciprocal agreement has been finalized and is now available for the Inside Commercial Journeyman license.

The Reciprocal Electrical License Application is now online on the Building Codes Division licensing page.

 Additional details are as follows:
1. Oregon reciprocal licenses are generally available to those who obtained Washington (01) general journey level electrician certificates after completing an 8000-hour Apprenticeship and making a passing score on their Washington exams. Anyone having a Washington master (01) general journey level electrician certificate is also eligible. Oregon has amended their rules to allow passing exam scores from other states when stipulated in a reciprocal agreement, which this agreement stipulates. Get more information about reciprocity and apply.

If you need licensing verification from the state of Washington, include your verification document with a Request for a Letter of Good Standing (F500-128-000) and fee of $26.40. Mail everything to the address shown in the top left corner of the letter of good standing form.

2. Washington reciprocal certificates are generally available to those electricians who obtained their Oregon general journeyman electrician (J) licenses after completing an 8000-hour Apprenticeship and passing their Oregon exams. Anyone having an Oregon General Supervising Electrician (S) license obtained by Oregon examination is also eligible. To apply, submit an Application for a Reciprocal 01 General Journey Level Electrician Certificate (F500-148-000)

Soon, there will be more information on the Washington LNI website about reciprocity here.

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