Electronic Reciprocal Transfer System

Are You Registered On ERTS?

If you are working in the jurisdiction of another Local Union either by taking a dispatch or sent by your employer you must check in with their Business Office and be registered on the Electronic Reciprocal Transfer System (ERTS). ERTS will ensure that your pension and health care benefits are transferred according to your wishes. Failure to do so will result in your benefits being left in the Local Union whose jurisdiction you worked.

You must register at a Local Business Office. The process takes less than 10 minutes. The ERTS system has replaced the old paper reciprocal forms and replaced it with a one time (lifetime) registration.  

To register at Local 48 call Meghan Cicerich (503) 251-9759.

Remember you are working under the collective bargaining agreement of the jurisdiction that you are working in. You are accumulating wages, pension, and health & welfare $/hrs under that agreement. For example, if the health & welfare rate in the jurisdiction you are working pays a lower amount per hour into health & welfare, your eligibility will not be the same as when you are working at home. You need to confirm your eligibility with Harrison.

If you are working in a jurisdiction that does not have a defined contribution pension, (like our) 9th District Pension, you will not be receiving contributions. The same applies for a defined benefit pension (like our) Edison.

After you are registered:Check in with the Local Business Office. Tell them you are registered on ERTS.

Local Union 125 Portland 503-262-9125
Local Union  280 Salem 541-812-1771
Local Union  932 Coos Bay 541-756-3907
Local Union  659 Medford 541-664-0800
Local Union 112 Kennewick 509-735-0512
Local Union  76 Tacoma 253-475-1190
Local Union  46 Seattle 253-395-6500

Keep track of your hours and please remember that the reciprocity process takes two months. The same time it takes when you are working in Local 48. Your benefits reported from your employer are not due until the 15th of the following month from which you started work. If you wish, check in with the administrators after the 2nd month to confirm contributions have been made on your behalf. This is not required you will receive statements from the administrators throughout the year.

Edison Pension 503-282-5581
9th District Pension 503-221-1395
Harrison Health & Welfare 503-224-0048 x 1679
Pacific Coast Pension/ Rehn & Associates, Third Party Administor 509-534-0600

If you are already registered ask the people you are working with if they are registered.

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