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Job Opportunities for Licensed Electricians

Licensed Electricians are in High Demand by Today’s Employers

The demand for licensed electricians has never been higher. That’s great news for Journey-level electricians ready to seek out new job opportunities in the Portland and Vancouver area. We invite you to check out any of the 200+ employers currently operating in our area. Research potential employers, find out who is currently hiring, and begin your next exciting career move today!

2025 IBEW Electrician Wage Information

View the latest electrician wage rate and package information for IBEW members:

  • Commercial Industrial Journey-Level Electricians
  • Material Handlers
  • Sound & Communications LEA
  • Sound & Communications Installers
  • Residential Master Electricians
  • Residential Journey-Level Electricians

Learn More About Opportunities for Licensed Electricians

Don't have a license yet? Inquire about starting a new career as an electrician.

Benefits of Working with IBEW Partner Employers

Excellent wage opportunities for licensed electricians.

Our employers recognize the value of a skilled electrical workforce. That’s why IBEW partner employers pay some of the best wages and benefits in the industry. 

Full family healthcare at no premium cost to you.

Our employers pay into a health-care trust on your behalf for every hour that you work. The amount they pay funds your current healthcare and your healthcare if you retire before Medicare eligibility begins. These contributions can also build a reserve account to help you pay your insurance if you are ever unemployed.

Three different retirement plans for IBEW Local 48 members.

Our diversified retirement plans are entirely employer funded with no employee match required, helping you plan for retirement and ensure you can provide for your family today and in the future.

Earn vacation pay for every hour you work!

Every licensed electrician working for any of our employers will also have funds diverted from each paycheck to their “Vacation Account”. This savings account is yours to spend however you like. Don’t want to spend it on vacation? No problem. You’ll have access to the cash as soon as it is deposited into your account each month.

Current Bonus Opportunities - First Time and Referral Bonuses

$2000 Bonus is for first time members of the IBEW after working 500 hours for a Union Shop. Current members qualify for a referral bonus of $500 if their referral leads a licensed electrician towards joining. (Make sure your referral is documented)

Contact IBEW Local 48

Contact Membership Development to learn more about IBEW membership.



Membership Development

Aaron Barber-Strong has been an IBEW member since 2008, and has most recently been active as the hall’s lead organizer. He was elected Vice President of the Portland Chapter EWMC in 2010; Chapter President in 2013, and has served as the Chapter Treasurer since then. More

cell: (503) 702-5110  email:



Membership Development

Organizer Matt Smyth celebrated 25 years of IBEW membership in August 2019, and has served as an organizer for the past three years. Matt was originally interested in IBEW membership because he recognized it as a true family career path, one that would allow him to not only pay the monthly bills... More

cell: (503) 875-0164  email:



Membership Development

Matthew Nosack became an organizer in 2019 after previously spending nine years as a wireman with Local 48 contractor OEG. Matthew joined IBEW because he knew the union offered excellent opportunities to create security for his family. Years later, it is the brotherhood and... More

cell: (971) 985-4805  email:



Membership Development

Organizer / Membership Development Specialist starting this year. Previously, he served as a jobsite Steward for 4 yrs at Intel with OEG and then served a term on the Eboard.

(503) 251-9951 | cell: (503) 688-4746



15937 NE Airport Way Portland, OR 97230

Normal Opening Hours:
09:00 am - 12:00 pm
01:00 pm - 05:00 pm

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