Wayne Tanner

- Business Representative
I first joined the IBEW 48 in March 2014 and I’ve been in this role since August 2022. I joined the IBEW because I had gone as far as I could go in my previous vocation and wanted to do something where I could expand my skill set and would enjoy doing as a career for the long term. I had a family friend that was a retired IBEW member so I looked into it and decided to apply to our inside apprenticeship program.
What is your favorite part of being an IBEW member?
My favorite part of being an IBEW member is the support system of being part of a union. Whatever happens in my life I know there are people I can call and benefits we have that will help me through any situation.
Can you share an accomplishment or something you are proud of from your time at IBEW?
I am most proud of having the opportunity to be a Steward at one of the biggest jobsites in our local.
What are some of your hobbies outside of IBEW?
It feels like I am picking up a new hobby every couple of months but my most consistent hobbies are reading (mostly non-fiction), golf, photography, and cooking.
If there was an “IBEW Guinness Book of World Records,” what record would you hold?
Most flat tires from nails caught in gravel parking.