Notification Block

Online Dues Payment and Job Bidding Functions Not Available From 9PM Friday Until Sunday Due to a Building Shutdown.

Josh Carter

  • Business Representative

Joshua Carter has been an IBEW member for almost 20 years and has spent the past three and a half years as an IBEW Local 48 steward.

He credits his dad with helping him to get involved with the union in the first place.

“My dad helped point me in the right direction. He is a wireman as well. Best decision of my life. Thanks, Dad!”

For Joshua, being part of something bigger than himself was a big reason he chose to join the union. Having an opportunity to serve the membership and give back to the Local is something he finds incredibly rewarding that makes him feel proud.

When not out in the field helping members, Joshua can be found most often spending time with family and friends, camping, or working on his 1971 Bronco.

IBEW World Record Holder for: “Most mistakes fixed without anyone knowing!”

We’ll never tell.

Phone Number: 

(503) 889-3678

Email Address: 

Cell Number: 

(503) 806-7454
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