Notification Block

Online Dues Payment and Job Bidding Functions Not Available From 9PM Friday Until Sunday Due to a Building Shutdown.

Scott Zadow

  • Business Rep

Business Representative Scott Zadow has been an IBEW member for the past 29 years and has served in his current role for the past nine. Growing up, Scott realized early on that the union offered excellent wage and benefit opportunities for those who were ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. So he did just that, applying and joining the apprenticeship program right after high school.

There, Scott quickly made what would become lifelong connections with his fellow brothers and sisters, connections he still counts as his very favorite part of IBEW membership more than two decades later. During his time with IBEW, he has had the opportunity to be an active participant and leader, serving as President on the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, President of the IBEW Local 48 Credit Union, trustee for the NIETC Training Trust & JATC, and Executive Board member for the Oregon State AFL-CIO. Scott has become a part of Labor Management and taken on the role as Lead Negotiator for three different contracts. Scott has also played a role in the coordination and execution of the Summer Picnic and Golf Tournament, both of which have seen record growth the past 7 years. The Golf Tournament raised over $20,000 in 2022 for the Sick Fund.

Outside of his IBEW commitments, Scott enjoys spending time with family, fishing, golfing, and playing softball.

IBEW Book of World Record Holder for: "Most times correcting the way people say his last name"

That’s Zadow like Shadow, in case you were wondering!

Phone Number: 

(503) 251-8736

Email Address: 

Cell Number: 

(503) 816-2341
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