Tracey Powers

- Financial Assistant/Communications
Tracey has been an IBEW Local 48 employee for seven years, and an active member of OPEIU Local 11 for just as long.
Following a recommendation from former Assistant Business Manager Alan Keser, Tracey, a then-recent graduate of Marylhurst University’s Business Management Program, was thrilled to find such an amazing opportunity that could further her professional career while providing excellent benefits.
Today, Tracey is deeply involved with hall membership, where she is proud to not only serve members’ needs but also to advocate on their behalf. For her, being part of IBEW is being part of an extended family - both within the Local and the Labor Industry as a whole.
“The network of people and friendships has been extremely rewarding and something I cherish every single day.”
As an IBEW Local 48 advocate, Tracey has taken on a multitude of roles, from committee member and AFL-CIO Delegate to Board Member of the IBEW United Workers Federal Credit Union, Executive Board Member of the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, and most recently Executive Board Member for OPEIU. She is also proud to have played a role in increasing member participation in IBEW events, including the Annual Holiday Banquet, Summer Picnic, Family Night and the Sick Fund Benefit Golf Tournament, which raised a record-breaking $20,000 in 2022!
As busy outside of work as she is during the day, Tracey enjoys reading, golf, playing and coaching softball, fishing, spending time with family and friends, traveling and (when she has the opportunity) sleeping!